Friday, April 3, 2009

yo, partially succeed.

hmm..., before this i had problem with vidual basic 6.0 as the
syntax(refer from the previous post) is differ from visual basic express.
now, i got a grip of it.
i think its quite easy.
here are some tips if you actually want to learn v.b,
before you learn the syntax, there is another thing you should master first.
Its the properties of the objects that you add.
Its useful.
For example,
When you add a textbox, you will see in the properties of it at the right
of your screen.
In that properties, one of it is "name", it is the name user will see when you run it.
Basically you will leave it blank.
As for its "(name)", it is the name you use for the textbox for you to called it when you write the coding.
So, you can type in "textbox1" in the "(name)".
Well, other properties and object you can explore yourself via online tutors which has better explanation then me.
This is the tutorial that i recommend:

VB tutorial

good luck.

btw, visual basic express dun go well with vista.

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